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ASTM D905 Standard Test Method for Strength Properties of Adhesive Bonds in Shear by Compression Loading

This test method covers the determination of the comparative shear strengths of adhesive bonds used for bonding wood and other similar materials, when tested on a standard specimen under specified conditions of preparation, conditioning, and loading in compression. This test method is intended primarily as an evaluation of adhesives for wood.

Equipment required:

The testing machine shall have a capacity of not less than 6810kg(15000lb) in compression and shall be fitted with a shearing tool containing a self-aligning seat to ensure uniform lateral distribution of the load. The machines shall be capable of maintaining a uniform rate of loading such that the load maybe applied with a continuous motion of the movable head to maximum load at a rate of 5mm(0.20in.)/min with a permissible variation of ±25%. The shearing tool shown in Fig.1 has been found satisfactory. The testing machine shall be located in an atmosphere such that the moisture content of the specimens developed under the conditions prescribed in Section 8 is not noticeably altered during testing.

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